Navigate to the Listings tab > Select your eBay Marketplace (top of screen dropdown)
Single Edit
For individual product editing, choose Single edit (top right)
Updating products using Single Edit Mode:
Click on a Product Title > Listing Status > Select Enable
Navigate to Business Policies to select the Payment, Shipping and Return Policies already set up on your eBay Account:
If you do not see Business Policies in the menu please navigate to Settings > eBay Business Policies > check the box to add > return to the product
Please remember to save changes once done
When successfully published to eBay, you will see the green Active icon in the listing status column alongside which you can view your active listing on eBay.
If you are experiencing errors and unsure how to clear them please contact our support channels.
Bulk Edit
For editing a large number of products, choose Bulk Edit (top right)
Updating products using Bulk Edit Mode:
On the left hand side of the screen is your Shopify Catalog
On the right are all of the listing details.
Please use column chooser to add/remove additional columns or the Filter to limit products
Selecting 2 or more check boxes on the left will activate the columns to the right
If you are unable to see your products please check all filters are removed
Please remember to save changes once done
If you are experiencing errors and unsure how to clear them please contact our support channels
For support please reach out to